Blended by K. Hansotia, Gurkha cigars display an unrivaled desire to manufacture the industry's finest cigars. Only the rarest and best tobaccos go into each and every Gurkha cigar. Many times referred to as the "Rolls Royce of cigars," each Gurkha cigar provides a luxurious experience different from the last. Complete with creative packaging, few cigars can compare to the always satisfying Gurkha cigar line.
The Gurkha Ghost is a sleek and alluring cigar that should make an appearance in anyone's humidor. The Ghost blend showcases a dark Brazilian, Arapiraca Maduro wrapper, complemented by an aged Criollo 1998 Binder and carefully selected Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. Ghost is a rich, medium bodied cigar with a multi-layered flavor profile providing sweet and earthy undertones with lingering flavors of cocoa and cinnamon.
Cellar Reserve Limitada
The Cellar Reserve Limitada is a rich and robust cigar using the finest quality 15-year aged tobacco. This special edition blend is comprised of an appealing Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper, combining an aged Dominican, Olor binder with a 15-year old Dominican filler. As with the regular Cellar Reserve, this cigar is full of flavor and complexity with an added layer of sweetness and body on the finish.
Cellar Reserve
The vintage Cellar Reserve uses the finest quality 15-year-old aged tobacco, comprised of an oily Criollo 1998 wrapper, that combines an aged Dominican, olor binder with a 15-year old Dominican Filler. Housed in unique wooden boxes that aesthetically evoke a maturing wine barrel, the Cellar Reserve is a delicious medium to full-bodied cigar that is full of flavor and complexity. Rated 97, Top 10 Cigar of the Year.
The Classic Havana Blend
The Classic Cigar: Havana Blend has been perfected using a proprietary binder and filler with twenty different tweakings of the blend to get it just right. With a San Andres Wrapper, The Classic Cigar: Havana Blend is a box-pressed, medium body, full flavor cigar including earthy, nutty undertones made in Nicaragua. "After a few years of searching for the right wrapper and combination of tobaccos, we created this beautiful San Andres wrapped Nicaraguan masterpiece. We are very proud to unveil it as our best creation from the East India Trading Company yet. A cigar worthy of its name: A true Classic," said Juan Lopez, National Sales Director and part of the East India blending team.